Tuesday, June 5, 2007

interesting life experiences

June 5, 2007

In the society we live in today, there is a great deal to do, see, and write about. We as the new generation are compelled to grasp what is in front of us and make it ours for the better. The things I find most interesting are what relate to me, what are totally opposite to me, because I can point out the differences between the two. I want to write about the children who make changes for children. I believe young people who listen to stories like these will grab a hold and inspire them to make a difference in the shady areas. The world is a canvas, and we are the paints. We have to take big strokes. My dream is to travel the world before we destroy it. I want to find people from all over and see if I can find someone who made a change in their generation and their society.

I was fortunate to experience a diversity of neighborhoods and the personalities within. A neighborhood is what makes you who you are; it helps shape and mold your character. Weather it be because you are used to hearing loud music or people arguing untill two in the morning, or if you are used to listening to the coyotes howl at the moon and the horses stomping on the Earth's surface. Whatever it may be, it is a big part of your life.

As for me, I grew up in several different areas of San Antonio and the surrounding towns, as well. I have experience from the loud music and hearing the shootings at three or four in the morning. Because I was younger, I was not as cautious, but I thought of it as adventurous and I was always curious about who it might have been. I have also listened to the stomping of the horses. It kind of sounds like drums on the ground. Also, waking up to the sound of roosters, even before my alarm clock sounds. At times, the roosters were my alarm clock. Then the people from the towns and down the road are helpful when you're not home; they tell you who came by and what color their car was. When I was living in the small town of Poteet, I had gone to visit my friend at her house. Although she was not home she said to go right in, her house was unlocked. What? I said in a shocked and worried voice. I later learned that around town, mostly everyone knows everyone and there is a kind of trust within the community. I thought this was a beautiful thing since in some of the areas I had lived in before we were only allowed to go play outside when my mother was home or watching us outside.

I would like to write about the differences and personalities of the neighborhoods in which I have experienced. There is so much culture and individuality in these areas and you can see it in the people and makes them beautiful.